Thank you for giving me a moment of your time. My name is Toyne and I am the owner of Trés Le Bon Lifecation Agency in Trumbull, CT. My father was a veteran, who has since passed, though never homeless, he had friends who didn't have it as easy, so this hits home for me. Our Veterans should be appreciated and shown how much their service and sacrifice mean to us.
We can never truly repay the Men and Women who sacrificed and gave so much for our freedom, for our liberties. They gave so much for us, now it's time to give something to them. Let's show our Veterans we appreciate them, value them, and care what happens to them. Please help Trés Le Bon feed, cloth, and house our Veterans, who have been displaced and left to fend for themselves. Help us to get as many of our Veterans and homeless families out of the cold, and into a place they can call home. All monies raised will go towards housing, medicine, clothing, and legal fees if needed. Trés Le Bon will dedicate a percentage of all settled sales from our site every six months on top of continued efforts to raise money. This problem is bigger than just one person, it truly takes a nation. Help will be given in all states, not just select states.
No matter the donation size, you will receive a "Thank You" gift from TRÉS LE BON to show our heartfelt appreciation.
No matter the donation size, you will receive a "Thank You" gift from TRÉS LE BON to show our heartfelt appreciation.
(please allow 4-6 weeks for shipping & handling)